Below is an early test of the physics system showing objects sliding off a tile as it flips. I wanted to see how size, shape, and orientation effected the motion of the objects. I like the way the cylinder standing on its end falls over, and how the larger sphere gets caught by the neighboring tile before falling off.
Next I added in the first person controller and the camera swap script from my earlier prototype. The objects were not included, and more tiles were used overall to get a sense of how the world might look with ghosted tiles.
Then the physics objects were integrated with the first person/omniscient view swapping. A new method for revealing tiles based on activating neighboring tiles was added as well. This is probably the first prototype that has a couple different rotation rates. The small tile that flips near the end of the screen capture turns quickly enough to actually fling a sphere up and onto the other side of the tile. The larger tiles turn slowly and everything tumbles down.
There's a strange glitch where you sometimes see through a tile to an adjacent tile. This was solved later when the Maya models replaced the Unity cubes.