When thinking about how to improve the tile flip mechanic in the map view, I was considering choosing a constraint similar to the board game. In the board game the player has a marker which can be moved only to certain spaces. The spaces where the marker has been is always flipped. For the video game, I was thinking that the marker could start on the tile where the player is, and be moved similarly. However this would mean that every time the player goes into the map view, the tile the player is on will be flipped. Which makes not falling off the tile a much bigger part of the game than it previously was. This then lead me to think of the various ways to survive a tile flip. One of the comments I've had repeated from players is that they would like to see the underside of the tile field. So I created this simple prototype showing a possible "safe space" one might seek out after triggering a tile flip:
Here's what it looks like from a distance, so that you can see how it works: